Thursday, October 14, 2010

Currently Loving These: Eyeliners

I am a person with very small eyes.  But they are also deep-set.  I'm talking Taylor Swift status.  So eyeliner has been a pretty stressful thing for me.  I've had to tweak every style of eyeliner to complement my eyes.  Example: eyeliner across just the top lid?  If it's too thick, my eyes look like they've receded and are closing.  If it's too thin, I have no definition and my eyes look tired or angry because of their shape.  So, to make my life a little easier, I am always looking for eyeliners that give me minimal problems because I already have enough just from how I have to apply them!  Here are two eyeliners that have really grabbed my attention in a good way lately:

Wet n Wild gel liner (black):

Gel is my favorite liner formula but I've noticed that many of them are very similar no matter what price they are.  Now when I shelled out the whopping $3.00 or however much this one is, I was expecting a sub par gel liner, but I needed one desperately.  I cannot tell you how pleasantly surprised I was.  It is opaque and really has a punch to it that some black gel liners lack (unless you build it up with layers, which can mess up the line you've created.)  Anyway, I LOVE this and the price is a huge bonus.


Rimmel Exaggerate Waterproof Eye Definer (noir):

I recently rediscovered this in my collection and have fallen back in love with it.  I personally think this pencil liner is better than Urban Decay's 24/7 pencils, for me at least.  My 24/7 liner tends not to last for me, and usually travels south so I look like a hot mess at the end of the day.  Granted, I'm usually too lazy to set it with eyeshadow.  But I really haven't had this issue with most eyeliners.  The Rimmel Exaggerate liner is amazing because you can smudge it for a little before it sets.  Once it sets, it WILL NOT budge.  It makes a beautiful waterline liner because it stays jet black the whole day for a big impact.  Bottom Line: I need this in more colors.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First post EVER!

Just for a little intro:

This blog will mainly be my ramblings on makeup (usually drugstore).  I will have swatches and pictures of looks that I have created.  Also, one of my favorite things to do (don't make fun) is making lists so I will be doing that for tags like "products I regret buying."

I also recently had a new chocolate lab Brody.  He is my first dog and I am pretty obsessed with him, so I will post random pictures and anecdotes starring him.

So enjoy and tell your friends to follow me!  =)